Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oops Times Three

Opal Elemente stitch pattern close upOops One - the socks I'm knitting may have an interesting stitch pattern, but the cuffs have very little stretch and I can hardly wiggle them on over my ankles.

If these were gift socks, I'd be frogging.

I'm going to finish them and enjoy wearing them (after wiggling them on), but I don't recommend this stitch pattern for socks.

Cover of Spring Summer no Kagibariami 9Oops Two - This Japanese "knitting" book is 100% beautiful crochet patterns.

Of the maybe twenty English words in this book, five of them are "knit", none of them are "crochet". On the cover it says, "Let's knit".

Inside, the contents lists four sections in English: "Colorful Knit, Simple Knit, Elegance Knit, and Fancy Knit.

Why list contents in English when there isn't any other English in the book? Do Japanese always use knit for crochet? Or is this a one time mis-translation?

I waited three weeks for this book. It arrived just before I left for Idaho. I can still feel the disappointment.

Book Title : Spring / Summer no Kagibariami 9
Language : Japanese
Publisher / ISBN : 4529043509
Release Date : February 19, 2007
YesAsia Catalog No. : 1004643039
Price : $12.99
Link to buy book : here

Japanese 500Oops Three - this Japanese stitch pattern book is not as wonderful as the other two Japanese stitch pattern books I bought.

Some of the yarn used is fuzzy so that you can't see the stitch pattern in the pictured swatch. Some of the swatch pictures are blurry. Many of the stitches or very similar stitches are available in Barbara Walker or other English stitch dictionaries.

The book is mediocre, not awful. Still, I would not have spent money on it if I had been able to browse it first.

Book Title : moyouhen 500 boubariami moyoubetsu ketteiban
Language : Japanese
Publisher / ISBN : 4529015882
Release Date : December 6, 1989
YesAsia Catalog No. : 1004189884
Price : $25.49
Link to buy book : here

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